Monday 2 May 2011

Cool Fashion - Best shoes you've ever seen.

So, my good friend rose made me some killer starfox shoes, which are the greatest shoes ever made, ever (can I stress that enough).

What luck to have a friend who is so talented (I bet she's thinking how lucky she is to have a friend who annoys the shit out of her to make him some amazing shoes, right?...)

I have pretty big feet, and these shoes (size 15) were the only ones that fit me out of all the shoes, in a giant clothing store mall.

5 different shoe stores, 1 of said store was massive and had an entire section for 'BIG feet, 14+'
in that section, this was the only pair that fit me :(
( at least they did fit me, stupid iceskating rinks not having massive iceskates.)

Anyways, rose worked her wizard magic, and now here I am with super shoes.

So we got Wolf.
And we got fox!

some pretty cool shoes

What you may have also noticed is the the laces seem to be glowing, thats because I'm a wizard they are.

if you see me in these you'll either think I'm the coolest guy you've ever met, or (and this is the more likey) the lamest.

I found this place that seels glowing LED laces, and I though since they are spacey, and green, that the laces would go well.
The laces can be on, off, flashing slow, or flashing fast, and use a simple little round battery like what you'd have in a watch.

If you want some of your own, they can be found here:

Photos of my shoes from good photographers (with shitty black laces)

A big shoutout to rose, thankyouuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

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